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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Building the Dewey Drone from "Silent Running" (1972) - Part II: Main Body and Sides

Other posts in this series

  - Building the Dewey Drone from "Silent Running" (1972) - Part I: Getting Started

 - Building the Dewey Drone from "Silent Running" (1972) - Part III: Adding Details 

 - Building the Dewey Drone from "Silent Running" (1972) - Part IV: Legs and Feet and Toes

 - Building the Dewey Drone from "Silent Running" (1972) - Part V: Painting and Assembly

In part I of this build blog, I talked about the goals for my Dewey drone, and the initial steps, including the laser cutter files. Here in part II, I will start the assembly of all the pieces. The numbering refers to the numbering in the "Laser Cutter Files" section in part I.

The Center Piece of the Body 

The center piece is made from the laser cutter files (1) plus the top plate from file (2) and the bottom plate from file (6), as discussed in part I.

The Top

The top is made of the pieces from file (2) - the two right plates in this image.

These are glued onto each other, 

and the sides are sanded at approx. 45 degree angle.

The Bottom Ring

The bottom ring is made of the pieces from file (5).

The small corner pieces are sanded at 45 degree angles. Then, the pieces for the upper side are glued into the base plate, held by a rubber band while the glue dries.

And then the same is done for the lower part.

The bottom ring and the top plate are then glued to the center piece.

The Front Frame

The frame for Dewey's front side is made of the pieces from files (8).

I start with the piece for the right side.

The edges have to be sanded to match.

Then, the pieces for the left side are added.

This is actually starting to look like Dewey!

The Right Side

The right side is made from the pieces in file (3).

Some of the pieces need to have their edges sanded at the appropriate angle in order to fit.

I start with the pieces of the upper part.

Then I add the pieces for the lower part,

glue everything to the back plate,

and add the last piece.

The Left Side

The left side is done just like the right side. Here are the pieces from files (4).

And here are the assembled left side,

both side pieces,

and the two together with the center piece.

That's it for today!
In the next step, I will add some details.

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