Monday, March 1, 2021

Building a Squirrel Picnic Table


These Squirrel Picnic Tables were the big 2020 summer hit among woodworkers. Although I'm a little late to the party, I still wanted one. And with my daughter's help, during the Christmas break, we finally built our own.

It is built of 3/4" pine wood and wood glue. The dimensions of the pieces are given
in the first image. The width of the smaller bars doe not really matter, it can be somewhere in the range of 1 1/4" or 1/ 1/2".

The four 6" x 1 1/2" bars on the sides are cut at an angle of 22.5 degrees.

The first two pieces are glued to the bottom of the plate, with 1.5" space (equals to twice the thickness of the wood) to the sides. This space is needed to accommodate the fence mount.

Two holes are drilled into the table plate to hold an additional piece of 3/4" wood that will be screwed into the fence.

The CD case is shown as a reference to judge the size of the table.

And here is the final result, waiting for the squirrels to come. In the future, we plan to screw a little cup or basket onto the plate, where we can place nuts, etc. Alternatively, we may add a larger screw from the bottom of the plate, so we can screw corn cobs onto it.

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