Monday, April 18, 2022

Minette Elevator Tripod S-3, made in Japan

Recently, I found this in a thrift store: A "Minette Elevator Tripod S-3", made in Japan. In the original packaging and like new.
Surprisingly, I can not find any real information on the web. Nobody offers this on Ebay, and a Google search finds almost nothing. One page suggests that it was made in the 60's (but I'm not basing any judgement on a single web page). In any case, it come from a time before there were UPC codes and when things were built differently. All steel, no plastic. 

It's not necessarily better than modern ones - just different. I love it for that!

If somebody has any information about this tripod, I would be really interested! Please contact me, or use the comments. Thanks!


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